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U. N. R. W. A Date: eighth Nov. 2012 Department of Education Time: Name:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Midterm Eng...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Presence of Illuminati Through Ideologies Essay

Final Draft: Presence of Illuminati through Ideologies The term â€Å"Illuminati† has been frequently used by historians in the past millennium to name secretive groups that existed and operated during the past few centuries. One of the more important secretive groups and the most famous Illuminati group until date were known as the Bavarian Illuminati although today it is simply known as â€Å"The Illuminati†. According to a source, it was founded in 1776 by a group of intellectual, European-based scientists, also known as freethinkers, during the Enlightenment era as a result of demoralization by religious factions of their belief that scientific ideologies could exist side-by-side with different religious teachings (â€Å"Illuminati†, n. d. ). Of the religious factions that somewhat stood against science, the Vatican City’s Catholic Church is thought to have continuously oppressed advances in the scientific field by these European-based scientists and hence contributed largely in the formation of an Illuminati fraternity whose members solely believed in scientific logic. Barkun (2003) believes the Illuminati existed for a small period in time, roughly eleven years, before being brought down due to infiltration among themselves by the Bavarian government in the year 1787. Yet, because of the secrecy and infiltration among regional governments the Illuminati were known for, many people believed and still believe in their rather peak period after their supposed downfall. Illuminati ideologies like science over religion and total world control on upper hierarchy by single entity unknowingly being part of our systems can result in too much authority to the group that no longer includes only scientists but also highly powerful people. According to Stone (2004), present day influential bankers, industrialists(-1-) nd statesman situated in the Western Europe and North American regions follow Illuminati ideologies that affect most of the other countries in the world excluding very few Islamic countries and China who have been able to only just resist the influence. Many theories have come up stating that the Illuminati was able to gradually infiltrate the higher levels of Free Masons, another secrecy group, whose lower hierarchy was and is popular with the pu blic, perhaps to gain some sort of insulation. In fact, it can be noticed in western-based education systems in the world today where science and scientific logic is more often than not given more importance than different religious perspectives. Opponents of this point argue that religion in general is understood and practiced by a very large number people side-by side with scientific studies and logic. These people deem scientific logic as still very young in comparison to religious logic and that science has ever since been changing not only in terms of developing new things but also in terms of modifying old findings while religion does not seem to go against itself. Although it is true that religion is practiced by a very large number of people, the fact that it is not promoted enough in educational institutes influenced by western-based education (-2-) systems in comparison to science today shows how the ideology of science over religion has slowly sneaked into the education sector itself. It can be seen that in places where science and western-based education systems are flourishing, a lot of people tend to look at everything based on the scientific logic and are gradually deviating from religious teachings that are mostly only inherited from parents today without them really knowing about it. Stone (2004) had once said in one of his articles that through control of institutes of higher studies, the western primary, secondary and tertiary education systems will be influenced by the authority of science. According to another writer known as Bradshaw, David Tappan, a professor of Divinity at Harvard, had once warned the college’s students of the extent of influence Illuminati agents had in the newly created United States of America (2003). Tappan had also talked about how one of the main aims of these influential people was to gain total control over the direction of education in the States. We can see in our small history how education of any type or in any field has played a very important role in the world when it comes to developing peoples’ minds and somewhat molding their way of thinking. Add to this the main idea of the article â€Å"Rising above the Storm: Science Education in the 21st Century,† that increase in science education is the key for the future of the U. S. economy and that the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) should work to increase promotion of science in western-based education systems (n. d. ) and we can see how influence of science over religion is greater than ever through these education systems that are already science-based increasing the likeliness of Illuminati presence. Another Illuminatist ideology is that of infiltration among governments. Opponents of this ideology believe that the representatives of the Illuminati are merely highly publicized for(-3-) nfiltration among many North American and Western Europe governments and gain of power to affect world decisions perhaps due to the Illuminati’s background of successful infiltrations among many governments in the past. They use the point that we live in a world of many strong democratic nations with some nations still continuing to be under sovereign rule today to argue that it is highly unlikely that the Illuminatists are able to infiltrate governmen ts today. They also argue that even if they somehow manage to do so, they will not be able to influence any final decision-making due to the fact that so many government policies and rules are in place in each country to facilitate decision-making and that it seems far-fetched to think that such strong governments not only have been infiltrated by a few people but also have lost too much authority or power in making important decisions among each of the nations. With so many nations becoming democratic, we can see how easy it has become for Illuminatists to infiltrate other governments through the spread of democratic policies and get closer to achieving enough power to affect the entire world’s decisions making the likely or eventual existence of the Illuminati a possibility indeed. Examples of a few events that were against the beliefs of many democratic nations but yet took place are the forceful formation of the Jewish nation of Israel and the creation of region-based trading blocs’ side-by-side with promotion of free trade. Creation of a region-based trading bloc binds its regional country members into some sort of a single empire or one country and affects in the sense that it causes sudden changes to the way people in individual countries used to work and trade with other regional and non-regional countries. A third Illuminatist ideology is that of collecting real or natural wealth through the private banking sector. Banking is not something new but the ways banks function has always been changing in the course of our history. Private interest-rate banking was also another centuries old development but became increasingly popular among the general public from the late 18th century as a mode of safely storing and easily trading accumulated natural wealth such as gold and rare metals through paper receipts commonly known to us today as money or(-5-) currency. These receipts, initially basically used to replace unnecessary physical transactions of gold and metals, are now looked upon as a symbol of wealth. Since this operational system of storing real wealth and giving out receipts allows for easy movement and calculation of wealth which in turn results in quicker bank-related transactions, private banking is thought to have played a huge role role in economic development of many nations. From the average individual bank user to the big businesses and bankers themselves comprises a large group of ardent supporters of private banking and they undoubtedly argue in favor of private interest-rate banking. Their point of argument is based on the basic idea that private banking is the competitive and essential sector of banking where private firms compete against each other with the main aim of making huge profits and so it is very difficult if not impossible for followers of Illuminati ideology of natural wealth collection to use private interest-rate banking to their advantage and affect world economies. There is no doubt that wealth transfer has been made easy through banking but this has happened at the replacement of natural reserves of gold, oil and land with paper and electronic money/currency for economic transactions. All Illuminati ideologies lead to the main aim of gradual formation of a single entity, more commonly known as â€Å"New World Order† (NWO), by controlling positions in the upper hierarchy of each country’s ruling body through the spread of organizations in support of democratic policies, the removal of sovereignty and the creation of international organizations such as United Nations and hence affecting the individual people negatively.

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